Members of a slightly successful and long-disbanded garage band find that their music is having a revival. They have no clue who’s releasing it, or how they even got the recordings, and finding out is going to uncover some old memories and regrets.
Having a famous action star of an earlier era on the poster will definitely give your movie a boost, but you need to keep them from being so uncooperative & disinterested that they wreck the production.
In a tale as old as time, young up and coming anthropomorphic superheroes enlist the aid of a mentor to guide them on their journey to greatness.
A tiny little town is the unwitting lynch-pin of the conflict over what the nation is to become, with multiple factions fighting, in this case, over the train station
An insidious mind-controlling curse spreads through the use of the Common tongue
The inhabitants of a Generic Fantasy Village, tired of the dangers, destruction, & hyperinflation brought about by by Adventurers, band together in order to deal with the problem
The Resplendent Majesty sits upon the throne, and lives with everyone’s attention on them. The Drab Majesty lives in the shadows, and nobody knows they’re there until there’s something they need to deal with.
A team make their living through resurrecting people by assembling the scattered fragments of their personality construct from the far-flung corners of cyberspace. But some of these people don’t want to come back. And some aren’t actually dead.
In a calm and stable Empire, the first step on the Hero’s Journey is … Finding any challenge at all
Crash Stations – On a planet where the sun has become wildly overactive and the surface world is a hostile place, city-dwellers construct gigantic walking machines to attempt to make it to the ocean and find safety in the depths
The Malevolent Catch – In the midst of the terrible weather of a crabbing season, boats start to notice things which are almost, but not quite, crabs in the catch. Then the imitation crabs start to notice them back.
A dead fish rotting on a beach is nothing new. A titanic slab of imitation crab, on the other hand, will attract attention. And scavengers.
A derelict & barnacle-encrusted ship washes up on the coastline; The locals have heard of steel, but they’ve never seen several thousand tonnes of it floating before.
People live at the very edge of the world, where the ocean falls over the lip & falls into the void, gathering all of the strange things which drift their way from the mysterious places further in. One day they spot something new; A gargantuan metal ship, belching smoke, and heading their way.
Being a Colonist on the water world of Oceania will be great; All the advertising talks about the friendly natives and well-equipped floating colonies. Reality is a little different; You’re stuck in a new settlement in the hurricane zone, and the inhabitants, native or no, hate you.
Retired supervillains open a restaurant, very much trading on their criminal past and the nostalgia for a gentler age of super-shenanigans. Can they sit by when things get bad out there?
Quantum Gastronomy: Gathering increasingly bizzare and impossible ingredients for the refined tastes of super-futuristic food snobs.
An famous Alien chef launches a competition, with the goal of finding something alien that Terrans will actually eat.
Despicable Fusion Cuisine is a front for a money laundering operation. They don’t want customers, and are unsure how to cope with suddenly becoming ironically popular.
Once access to the Earth was taken out of the picture by orbital debris, the travelling workers known as Space Hobos became a vital part of the community, who help to solve problems & keep things running out there.
Space transport is cheap enough, and space survival technology ubiquitous enough, that hitching a ride on a string of cargo containers going somewhere useful is a viable, if unauthorised & illegal, way to get around if you don’t have the money. It also means that you’re in a place that nobody expects someone to be, and that can cause problems if folks are up to things they don’t want people to see.
Once you’ve shifted some asteroids into regular orbits, moving around the system becomes a whole lot easier; Assuming you can match vector, or course.
A fantasy setting of little worldlets, each just big enough for a single field or Hobbit burrow, floating serenely in an endless sky.
Vast cargo ships ply the spaceways. Too big for anything other than full automation, they don’t seem to react when people climb aboard for free transport, or even make their homes there. It’s not clear whether they don’t notice, or they just don’t care.