Episode One Hundred And Sixty Nine – I Set The Filter To “Adventure”

A safe but dull utopia has an unexpected need for people who can go outside of the norm and venture into dangerous situations.
They’re a bit light on those, as a society, but by relaxing the constraints a bit on the psych profiles, they’ve got some candidates who are within a few standard deviations of ‘Adventurous’.

Oneironauts journey into a patient’s psyche to guide them through constructed scenarios to a better mental state.
Unfortunately, pushing on one part of a personality has a tendency to make it push back from somewhere else, …


Episode One Hundred And Sixty Six – We can make anything into a dumpling. Anything.

The Potstickers of Dorian Gray – When unexplained events occur, when there’s no rational explanation, and when you desperately need to keep things quiet so that the FBI doesn’t notice what you’re up to, your only hope is Those Meddling Kids.

Cultural Misappropriation: The RPG – To protect our culture from the Humans, we will put in place a layer of memes to distract them.

Dumpling Masters – When your ( and everyone else’s ) magic is infused into food, it can quite literally go stale.


Episode One Hundred And Sixty Five – It’s All Downhill From Here

The Greatest Kingdom In History is facing certain destruction, and while they can’t save the place, they can save the people.
Of course, to do so, someone has to stay behind to close the doors after everyone else has left.

A society living on the endless sloping face of a Megastructure, where heading downhill is a matter of balance and a platform with wheels on it, and where they have no idea whether there’s anyone else out there.
And if you’re stuck on the surface of a Megastructure, with no immediate ability to escape & a strong desire not to attract the attention of the builders of that Megastructure, how far will you have to travel to collect the parts you need without anyone noticing?


Episode One Hundred And Sixty Four – Question The Fog

The World Is Over, You Survived – The world ended, society, civilization, and the basic fabric of the land have shattered, and an enormous amount has been lost, including the knowledge of what actually happened. Figuring it out will involve traveling to the scattered fragments of the world, each of which has its own soundtrack.

We’re All Lost In The Fog, And We’re Not Alone – A medieval town is isolated by a thick shifting fog, and threatened by the creatures roaming around inside that fog. But the fog itself seems to be trying to hide the townsfolk, and while people are reporting seeing strange creatures of legend & myth moving around town, they seem to be just as trapped and scared as everyone else.

Kids On Grav Bikes – The adventures of the kids on a Starfleet Ship as they encounter and investigate the sort of things that the Crew just don’t take seriously, occasionally assisted by the mysterious proprietor of the lower deck bagel kiosk.


Episode One Hundred And Sixty Two – Ruins Of The Ancients

The Sphere of Various Dooms: Terrible things are locked away for a reason.
World-destroying remnants of technology are put where they can’t get out.
And now the only hope to save yourselves lies somewhere inside the one place that nobody wants to go.

OAP Apocalypse World – Retirees with limited funds, mobility, and current-day knowledge venture out into the modern world, in search of adventure, or just something better than the retirement home.

Little People, Giant World – Miniature humans exploring the world outside of their home discover the truths & the misunderstandings of their own past.

Combat Xenoarcheology – Looking for relics of previous civilizations, battling other xenoarchaeologists, and trying not to to let the things you find kill you or destroy the galaxy.