Episode One Hundred And Seventy One – It’s a Mad Max Utopia!

Be Our Guest? – Ever since the actual apocalypse, the Hosts at the Apocalypse World park really haven’t had a lot to do. Now that some Guests in dire need of help have arrived, a group of ‘wasteland marauders’ and ‘besieged remnants of civilization’ have to figure out how to bypass their own programmed scripts so that they can keep those Guests alive & get them to SOME kind of safety.

When The Wind In The Willows – Cute animals in their V8 Interceptors & War Rigs travel in search of a possibly mythical better place, with clean water and non-radioactive food.

Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Max World! – With his last breath, Max pointed everyone at the utopia somewhere over the mountains. Now the race is on to get there & claim it.


Episode One Hundred And Sixty Nine – I Set The Filter To “Adventure”

A safe but dull utopia has an unexpected need for people who can go outside of the norm and venture into dangerous situations.
They’re a bit light on those, as a society, but by relaxing the constraints a bit on the psych profiles, they’ve got some candidates who are within a few standard deviations of ‘Adventurous’.

Oneironauts journey into a patient’s psyche to guide them through constructed scenarios to a better mental state.
Unfortunately, pushing on one part of a personality has a tendency to make it push back from somewhere else, …
