Mission Elapsed Time: -15h Or So?

Things went more or less to plan.

The More is that I’m here in my cabin at Heathrow Terminal 4, with my stuff, ready to fly out tomorrow.

The Less is that I had to go back to my residence (yeah, that didn’t sound clumsy at all) to drop off my rent for the month, as I forgot to get it sorted out yesterday. Rent day’s tomorrow, and that’s when my calendar reminder is, …

Finished up work things, had an uneventful train + tube + train + train trip to get here, and now I’m contemplating a spot of dinner.

Does Anyone Still Watch This Space?

It’s Wednesday night. I fly out on Saturday midday-ish, though I’m leaving Aylesbury on Friday night & spending the night in an airport hotel, as I wasn’t sure how long it’d take to get to Heathrow on a Saturday morning.

And because staying in a hotel inside the terminal is kind of fun.

Haven’t 100% decided how to travel-blog this time around. I’m not taking Pangur Ban, my laptop, but I am taking a smartphone and a Bluetooth keyboard, so typing will not be beyond me.

I’m toying with the idea of just taking a crapload of photos & uploading them with captions & commentary, so I might start with that & see how it goes; If the style suddenly changes, it’ll be because it didn’t work. Or I got bored. Or I forgot.

OK, image uploads seem to work.

And if I were taking this phone with me, that would be meaningful.

By the way, I’ve noticed that images don’t appear in earlier posts from this year; I suspect it’s because I renamed a folder in OneDrive, and that messed up the filepaths.

I’m sure there’s a way to fix it, but I’ve not looked into it yet.

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