π Approximation Day

I’m counting a thing that happened the night before as happening on π Approximation Day, because of time zones.
Or something.

Tamsin had asked about how the Gen Con events registration system worked, so we had a play with it, using the keyword “Pirate”, because why not?
This came up;


It would have been morally wrong not to get a ticket, and of the three sessions, one was in a gap in my schedule.
So we filled that gap.


The GM’s name was familiar, and after some checking, it turned out to be the Mikey Mason I’d heard of; Geek Rock Comedian, Gamer, and I think the first person to welcome me to the Fear The Boot Forums when I signed up & made an introductory post.
I should point out that not all of his stuff is Geek or Gamer related, nor is all of it intended to be funny.

From what I can tell from his website posts about his games, we must have found the game soon after it went up on the Gen Con site. Certainly my one ticket was taken into account when he mentioned seats available, so I must have only just bought it, based on post timings and some frankly suspect conversions between time zones.

Breakfast, as is appropriate for π Approximation Day, was pancakes.
With chocolate and bananana.
From a Himalayan cafe.
Because it’s Edinburgh.

I’d had a filthy cough the previous few days, to the extent that planning seemed sort of pointless, and on the day the prospect of renting a car to go and see castles didn’t really appeal; I was uncertain as to how my stamina would last.
Thus, we went to the Scottish Parliament, to see those bits they’ll let you wander around.


There are the outlines of people worked into the debating chamber, to remind the MSPs that they are being watched, and that they’re here to do a job. I rather like the sentiment.
There’s also the poem “Open The Doors“, by Edwin Morgan, written for the opening of said Parliament, which is worth a read.
You can buy postcards with bits of it, or the whole thing, in the wee shop, because of course there’s a Gift Shop.

Next we went to the Scottish Storytelling Centre, which includes the Knox House, which is a preserved chunk of mostly-1500’s Edinburgh, preserved because of a fairly fleeting historical association with John Knox.


To finish up, we toured the Writer’s Museum, with floors dedicated to Burns, Scott, & Stevenson.

I’ll be honest, I’m not certain that I’ve real all of anything by Stevenson, but I’m damn sure I’ve read nothing by Burns or Scott. Unless that Haggis thing counts?

Then, on the way back, we saw this.



Ahhh, students, …

It was a great day.
Can’t really say much more than that.I approve your birth - and pancakes - Deadpool