Episode Eighteen – The Graboids Take Manhattan

Craig is spectacularly unimaginative, looking at young Graboids wanting to tread the boards & see their names in lights.
Tonya imagines a world ruled and changed by Graboids, with scattered pockets of humanity making their homes in zoos, the last islands of non-graboid life.
Kev considers a Graboid-infested New York in The Days After Ragnarok, then moves on to the strange events aboard the colony ship “Manhattan”.
Ben, who has been working All Of The Hours, suggests The Graboids Take Las Vegas, and has some thoughts upon the difference between pitching a game and spoiling an idea.


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Episode Seventeen – Message From The Queen

Craig imagines a strange & injured messenger arriving on a stormy night with a call to action, Ben thinks the video itself is a doorway to change & revolution in a stark & sterile future, Tonya sees the music video as the first part of an Alternate Reality Game, and Kevin wonders what happens if very determined & resourceful people see non-existent hidden messages in your communications.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Sixteen – Goblin Paradise

Kev mixes The Goonies, The Dirty Dozen, & a dash of Gremlins, all while wondering what, exactly, a Goblin Paradise might look like, and how you’d find one if you needed to.
Craig heads for the movie Labyrinth by a roundabout route, and contemplates both massive political upheaval and the Terrible Madness Of The Goblin King.
Ben starts with the French cinema during World War Two and ends up with an all-Goblin theater troupe.
Tonya traces the roots of the word ‘Goblin’, and takes us, through household gods and mine-spirits, to the last desperate search for a home for the scattered members of the Goblin diaspora

{Tonya sez:- I did a web search on this phrase when we drew the card, and as a result watched the movie ‘Legend’ for the first time. There is a reason that the movie is not mentioned in the show. There are parts of Tom Cruise and his Magic Pants that I never need to see again.}

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Episode Fifteen – Space-Wreck Exploration

In which Kevin imagines the Stargasso of stranded ships, Craig wonders how to rescue colonist stranded by the march of progress, Ben contemplates asteroid-hopping miner-archaeologists, and Tonya has some thoughts on what you might find in a spacecraft graveyard.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Episode Fourteen – I Hate This Village

Tonya introduces us to Autograph-Hunting in a village filled with Stars of the Silver Screen. And their relatives.
Kev wonders about the role of a Police Force in a village with more than the usual number of Mad Scientists, trying to stop a strange town from getting any stranger.
Ben considers Mad Science Rehab.
Craig wonders about the one place on Earth where all of this Weird-Ass stuff actually works.

Important Note!: For the next week or so, Bundle of Holding have a pay-what-you want sale on Fate-related PDFs with no bookmarking or DRM. For any price you want, you get Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, Full Moon, and Spirit of the Century. If you pay more than the average, you unlock The Kerberos Club, Legends of Anglerre and Starblazer Adventures.

That’s a crazily good deal, and Fate Core, Fate Accelerated and The Kerberos Club are very highly recommended. Given how often they feature in our Game Resources page, that should already be pretty obvious…

And now we return you to our regularly-scheduled Show Notes.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Bonus Episode – Our Listener Has Ideas!

Episode Five – Bond: Behind The Scenes

Fate Accelerated Edition
Yesterday’s Tomorrow, by John Wick

James Bond Movie Theme

Mission: Impossible
Mission: Impossible TV Series Theme


The Green Hornet – Movie
The Green Hornet – TV Series


Sweet Valley High Board Game

Episode Twelve – Starbutt Magic-Horse And The Existential Vacuum Of Modern Acquaintance

Everyone Is John
Panty Explosion Perfect

Better Angels

Stuck In The Middle With You – Stealers Wheel

Episode Thirteen – The President’s Earth Chakra Is Missing!

In which Ben imagines a crack team of crystal-wielding homeopathic commandos protecting the spiritual sanctity of the President; Craig unleashes both sanctioned/competent and unsanctioned/kooky shadowy cabals of occult librarians; Tonya imagines a ‘How to Host a Murder’ session about manipulating the soul of a CEO; and Kev gets sleep deprived and rants about Voltron. Along the way, we imagine a game where chakras are embodied in people… and what that might look like in the example of The Wire.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about

Bonus Episode – Gen Con 2013

Recorded two entire days after Craig got back from his Gen Con trip, this is poorly-edited and blatant filler a no-questions-barred hard-hitting investigation into One Gamer’s Experiences During the Best Four Days In Gaming.

Craig has the wrong of it. by the way; Having seen the photo, it’s Totoro & Mei, not Totoro & Satsuki ~ T. Jones

Gen Con

Dropzone Commander

Flatpack: Fix The Future!
Savage Worlds
School Daze
Zombie Cinema
Better Angels
Rocket Age

Counter Slam

The Pop vs. Soda Map

The Bob & Angus Show

Episode Twelve – Starbutt Magic-Horse And The Existential Vacuum Of Modern Acquaintance

In which Ben considers the last days of an era in music, Tonya goes Noir with an unexpected femme fatale, Craig considers the possibility of Magical Pulp Adventure, and Kev comes up with something Monstrous.

Here are some links to stuff we nattered about